Auto Insurance Variables To Consider While Researching Policies

Based in West Bloomfield, MI, Agency Advantage Insurance offers the community multiple types of insurance coverage. We are committed to helping our clients find the policies they need to protect their assets. We have positive relationships with multiple carriers throughout Michigan.

Auto Insurance Variables

Auto insurance covers your vehicle as you travel around West Bloomfield, MI. The policy covers your vehicle if you are involved in a collision with another vehicle or object. Comprehensive coverage protects your vehicle if it is stolen or damaged due to a natural disaster, fire, or other unexpected circumstances. Liability coverage is also an asset as you’ll be protected in the event that you are involved in a collision with another vehicle. You are also protected if your vehicle causes damage to someone else’s property. Here are some other variables to consider while researching policies.

If you have a lot of passengers in your vehicle, the majority of times that you operate it consider the benefits of personal injury protection. Personal injury protection covers you if one of your passengers suffers a serious injury while they are riding in the car with you.

Also, consider the amount of mileage that you put on your vehicle every year. If you drive your car less frequently than other drivers, you may need a different policy compared to traditional coverage. If you plan to completely renovate your car or add some special accessories, you will need to amend your policy in order to cover those parts if they are damaged or stolen.

If you use your vehicle as part of your equipment, you’ll have to explore separate coverage in order to maintain protection while you work. You cannot use your traditional auto policy to cover your business while you are operating your vehicle on the job.

Consult With Agency Advantage Insurance

For more information on Auto Insurance, visit our website.

Need to Add a Driver to Your Auto Insurance? Your Agent Can Help

If you’re about to add a driver to your auto insurance policy, it’s important to make sure you’re doing it right. It could affect your policy drastically or very little, depending on a few specifics about the new driver. Teen drivers will generally have the biggest effect on a policy, while a more experienced driver might not cause any changes to be made other than the addition of their name and driving information. Shopping around and getting quotes from multiple companies through your agent can help you find the right policy. If you’re in the West Bloomfield, MI area, Agency Advantage Insurance can help you add a driver to your insurance policy in the best possible way for your situation and needs.

Adding a driver to your insurance is usually pretty straightforward. You’ll need the driver’s name and license number, and some companies will ask for additional information, too. Make sure you have all the information correct, so the company can check the person’s identity and driving record before they’re added to your policy. If the company can’t verify the person you’re adding, it could refuse the addition. Working with a trusted agent can help you avoid those kinds of concerns, and get a driver added to your policy quickly and easily, so you can get back to enjoying your time on the road.

Ready to add a driver to your policy? At Agency Advantage Insurance we can help you and our other West Bloomfield, MI area customers add drivers properly, so everyone has the coverage they need to protect themselves and others on the road. If you’re not sure about adding a driver and have questions about the process or your specific situation, we can handle that, too. Reach out to us today, and we’ll help you adjust your policy so it’s right for you and anyone who drives your car.

How Is My Car Valued In Classic Car Insurance In West Bloomfield?

At Agency Advantage Insurance, West Bloomfield, MI, we value classic cars differently. For your car to even qualify as a classic car, it must fall into at least, one of the following categories.

Categories of classic cars

First category: They are antique cars. They are at least 25 years old, and they are still in good working condition.

Second category: These are cars whose models are no longer in production and have been restored to high value and good working condition. They can also be about 20 years old or more.

Third category: This category is for cars that have been modified and they are now much different from other vehicles of the same models. The modifications are usually upgrades. For instance, its original engine may have been changed to a higher capacity engine for greater speed.

You need to understand that these are just guides and the criteria for assessing classic cars differ from one agency to the other. So, it is advisable to bring your purported classic car to us first.

Coverage considerations for classic cars

We believe that your classic car is not primarily meant for transportation. It is either meant for showing off or for car racing. So, we may put a mileage limit to our coverage. In other words, we expect you to have another car for transportation and not your classic car.

Also, we believe that classic cars don’t depreciate in value. Rather, their values keep increasing. So, if your regular car is totaled after 3 years of you, we will deduct the 3-year depreciation from its value. But for your classic car, we will pay you the amount that has been agreed upon.

Classic cars enjoy worldwide coverage. While the coverage of your regular car is restricted to Michigan or the United States, the coverage on classic cars is usually worldwide because it is expected that you will be shipping your classic car to different auto fairs in different countries.

For more information on classic car insurance, you can contact us at Agency Advantage Insurance, West Bloomfield, MI

Three main types of auto insurance coverage to consider

There are many different types of auto insurance coverage offered to West Bloomfield, MI motorists by Agency Advantage Insurance. It’s good for you to be aware of what they all are to find the policy that’s ideal for your needs.

Most people have one or several of three main types of auto insurance coverage. The following are three main types of auto insurance coverage to consider. 

Liability coverage

Liability coverage is the most basic type of auto insurance coverage you can have. If you simply want to meet your legal responsibilities out on the road, you can pay for liability coverage only. 

While liaility coverage will compensate other motorists for accidents for which you are deemed responsible, it will not compensate you in any way for damages to your own vehicle. This means that you have to pay out of pocket to repair your own vehicle if you damage it in an accident that you cause. 

Collision coverage

Collision coverage will compensate you for damage to your own vehicle in an accident. Collision coverage will cover replacement of your vehicle if it is declared a total loss in an accident.

You can combine liability insurance with collision coverage to ensure that you will be compensated for damages to your vehicle in an automobile accident. However, you may have to pay a deductible before your collision coverage kicks in. 

Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive coverage offers a little more coverage than collision coverage alone. In addition to compensating you for accident damages, comprehensive coverage can also compensate you for damages caused by vandalism, natural disasters, accidents caused by wildlife, and more. 

If you’d like more information on any of the above mentioned auto insurance coverage options available in West Bloomfield, MI, contact us at Agency Advantage Insurance with your inquiry. 

Driving on Flooded Streets

One of the most dangerous things to do, Agency Advantage Insurance, serving West Bloomfield, MI would like to note, is driving on flooded streets, especially at night when visibility is low.

The best way to avoid flooding out while behind the wheel is not to venture forth when the streets are flooded. Missing an appointment or being late for work is far preferable to abandoning your vehicle hip-deep in water, with the attending expense and inconvenience. That inconvenience includes not making an appointment, anyway.

If you must drive while the streets are flooded, watch the weather report on TV, and consult weather and traffic sites on the internet. In this way, you might be able to devise a route that will allow you to avoid flooded areas, even if it will take longer to reach your destination.

The cardinal rule about coming up on a flooded street is the saying “Turn around; don’t drown.” Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a wet patch has just a little bit of water or a foot or two. Of course, an easy way to determine the depth of the water in front of you is to watch what happens to other vehicles when their drivers try to cross. If the water splashes over the top of the wheels, the safe assumption is that the flooded patch is too dangerous to cross. A stalled car or two in the middle of the flooded area would also be a good indication that you should turn back. Better that you be late than to have your vehicle flooded out.

For any questions concerning auto insurance, feel free to contact Agency Advantage Insurance, serving West Bloomfield, MI.

Protection Again Uninsured Drivers

You can get coverage to cover damages or injuries caused by an underinsured or uninsured motorist. This optional coverage helps in case you’re hit by someone with little or no insurance. Ask your Agency Advantage Insurance representative in West Bloomfield, MI whether you should carry this on your policy. In the meantime, here’s some information to get you started.

Why Do You Need Underinsured/Uninsured Coverage?

Every state requires drivers to have car insurance. However, a lot of people don’t have insurance and get behind the wheel anyway. If you get into an accident caused by someone in this category, you are left paying for damages to your car. Even if the driver has some coverage, their limit may not pay for all the damages. The only way to avoid this situation, which cannot be predicted is to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage on your vehicle. This allows you to protect your family and yourself from illegal drivers with no insurance.

What’s Covered by Uninsured Motorist Insurance?

Uninsured Motorists Coverage typically covers yourself and your passengers and includes two options. The first option is Uninsured Motorist coverage combined with bodily injury coverage. The second choice is Uninsured Motorist coverage for physical damage only. Bodily injury insurance pays for injuries to the driver and passenger, and physical damage pays for any property damages to your car that were sustained in the accident.

Contact your Agency Advantage agent today to find out how you can put underinsured/uninsured insurance to work keeping your vehicle and passengers protected. Make an appointment today so that you can get a quote or discuss this and all your auto insurance needs in West Bloomfield, MI.



Teenager Behind The Wheel? Keep Them Safe With These Tips

Attention West Bloomfield, MI parents: keeping your teen safe behind the wheel is tough!

Even if you’ve already talked with your insurance agent at Agency Advantage Insurance to ensure that your teen is fully covered, it’s important to talk with your child about how to stay safe behind the wheel. Use these tips to help keep your pride and joy safe!

  • Talk to your teen about texting and driving. Let them know that you understand that sometimes they feel the need to respond urgently, and that’s ok! They just need to pull over in a safe place before pulling out the cell phone. Letting your teen know that it’s important to choose a well-lit, public location is crucial for their safety.
  • Offer incentives for your teen for avoiding speeding tickets. Set up a goal and reward with your child- for example, if they go a year without a ticket, you’ll pay for their car insurance for a month. 
  • Go with your teen to vehicle maintenance appointments. Many teens brush aside crucial maintenance issues. Your presence will ensure that their car is safe to drive. 
  • Only allow your teen to drive with one or two friends in the car. While a packed vehicle can make for a fun road trip, it also increases the number of distractions your teen will be facing while trying to make it safely to their destination. 

Agency Advantage Insurance has many insurance options that will protect your teen as they drive the streets of West Bloomfield, MI. Call today to speak with an agent about the best insurance plan for your family.

What should you carry for Auto Accidents

Being Prepared with Agency Advantage Insurance

Most of us will sustain an auto accident within the course of our driving history. An unexpected car accident can leave you feeling overwhelmed and disoriented. Preparation, even if nothing ever happens, will make your life less stressful. What should we carry and what should we do when it happens?

Prepare a kit for a possible accident.  

  • First-aid kit
  • Disposable Camera
  • Pen and paper
  • Backup copies of all appropriate paperwork

When you have an accident:

  • Move your car to a safe area (if you are able), then flip on your hazards to warn others.  
  • Stop your vehicle and get out
  • Check on others involved make sure everyone is ok
  • Call the police (and possibly an ambulance) to the scene

Even in minor accidents, a police accident report can prove to be valuable with helping your insurance company deal with the claims. This will help the West Bloomfield, MI police or those responding from surrounding areas.

Paperwork and gathering information

  • Keep important documents in the glove compartment (ID, insurance company contact information, vehicle registration, and health plan info)
  • Have your phone on you and charged

Write down as much information as possible:

  • Driver and passenger names (use IDs to verify)
  • Contact information for any eyewitnesses
  • Makes and models of all vehicles involved
  • License plate numbers
  • Location of the accident
  • Insurance info
  • Name and badge number of onsite police officers

Document the scene

  • If you have a disposable camera or smartphone take some photos of the accident scene.

File your insurance claim

  • File using your insurance app or call the number on your insurance ID card for your insurer’s contact information.

Though no one every wants an accident it’s good to know you have insurance. For more information contact Agency Advantage Insurance serving the West Bloomfield, MI area.