If you’re about to add a driver to your auto insurance policy, it’s important to make sure you’re doing it right. It could affect your policy drastically or very little, depending on a few specifics about the new driver. Teen drivers will generally have the biggest effect on a policy, while a more experienced driver might not cause any changes to be made other than the addition of their name and driving information. Shopping around and getting quotes from multiple companies through your agent can help you find the right policy. If you’re in the West Bloomfield, MI area, Agency Advantage Insurance can help you add a driver to your insurance policy in the best possible way for your situation and needs.
Adding a driver to your insurance is usually pretty straightforward. You’ll need the driver’s name and license number, and some companies will ask for additional information, too. Make sure you have all the information correct, so the company can check the person’s identity and driving record before they’re added to your policy. If the company can’t verify the person you’re adding, it could refuse the addition. Working with a trusted agent can help you avoid those kinds of concerns, and get a driver added to your policy quickly and easily, so you can get back to enjoying your time on the road.
Ready to add a driver to your policy? At Agency Advantage Insurance we can help you and our other West Bloomfield, MI area customers add drivers properly, so everyone has the coverage they need to protect themselves and others on the road. If you’re not sure about adding a driver and have questions about the process or your specific situation, we can handle that, too. Reach out to us today, and we’ll help you adjust your policy so it’s right for you and anyone who drives your car.